Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Letting Down the Editor

"I'm so disappointed in you," my editor said to me today.

"What! What did I do?!" I wailed.

"Go check your e-mail," he said with his usual hard-to-read editor face.

With dread I slunk back to my computer. I don't like disappointing anybody, especially my boss. He's so laid back anyway, I can't imagine making him really mad.

His email went something like this:

Every time you get an email you make this little sound. I hope you make it when you get this one, too.

Apparently I didn't make the sound and that's what disappointed him.

"I didn't even know I did that," I said.

"It's kind of like a sigh and a grunt. It mostly happens on Mondays when you're on deadline and stressed out," he explained.

My editor is disappointed with me because I didn't grunt at his email.

Now if only people would call me back so I could meet those nasty Monday deadlines . . .


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